Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published Exam syllabus for Advt. No. 40/2024-25 to Advt. No. 101/2024-25 posts. GPSC Exam Syllabus for Advt. No. 40/2024-25 to Advt. No. 101/2024-25 posts. Check below for more details .Keep checking Govt Jobs of Gujarat regularly to get the latest updates for GPSC Recruitment 2024.
Syllabus of Advt. No. 40/2024-25, Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Class-1 (Dental) Syllabus of Advt. No. 41/2024-25, Assistant Professor, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Class-1 (Dental) Syllabus of Advt. No. 42/2024-25, Assistant Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Class-1(Dental) Syllabus(Prelim) of Advt. No. 43/2024-25, Assistant Professor, Orthodontics and DentoFacial Orthopaedics, Class-1 (Dental) Syllabus(Prelim) of Advt. No. 44/2024-25 Assistant Professor, Periodontology, Class-1 (Dental) Syllabus(Prelim) of Advt. No. 45/2024-25 Assistant Professor, Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Class-1 (Dental) Syllabus of Advt. No. 46/2024-25, Assistant Professor, Public Health Dentistry, Class-1 (Dental) Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt. No. 47/2024-25, Deputy Executive Engineer (Mechanical), Class-2 Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt. No. 48/2024-25 Scientific Officer (Physics Group), Class-2, Director of Forensic Science, Home Department Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt. No. 49/2024-25, Assistant Director, Horticulture, Class-2, Agriculture and Co-operative Department Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt. No. 50/2024-25, Assistant Controller of Legal Metrology and Assistant Consumer Affairs Officer, GSS, Class-2
Exam Syllabus (Prelim and Mains Examination) of Advt No.51/2024-25, Gujarat Engineering Service (Civil), Class-1 and Class-2, Narmada and Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpsar Department Exam Syllabus (Prelim and Mains Examination) of Advt No. 52/2024-25, Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class-3, Ports and Transport Department Advt. No. 53/2024-25 Coming Soon Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt. No. 54/2024-25, Deputy Executive Engineer (Civil), Class-2, Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation Exam Syllabus (Prelim and Mains Examination) of Advt No. 55/2024-25 Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-3, Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation Syllabus (Preliminary & Mains Written Exam) of Advt. No. 56/2024-25 Additional Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Class-3, Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt. No. 57/2024-25, Assistant Professor, Paedodontics (Paediatric) and Preventive Dentistry, Class-1 Syllabus(Prelim) of Advt. No. 58/2024-25 Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine and Radiology, Class-1 (Dental) Syllabus of Advt. No. 59/2024-25, Associate Professor, Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Class-1 (Dental)
Syllabus of Advt. No. 60/2024-25, Associate Professor, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Class-1 (Dental)
Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt. No. 61/2024-25, Associate Professor, Paedodontics (Paediatric) and Preventive Dentistry, Class-1
Syllabus of Advt. No. 62/2024-25, Associate Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Class-1(Dental)
Syllabus(Prelim) of Advt. No. 65/2024-25 Associate Professor, Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Class-1 (Dental) Syllabus of Advt. No. 66/2024-25, Associate Professor, Public Health Dentistry, Class-1 (Dental) Syllabus (Preliminary & Mains Written Exam) of Advt. No. 67/2024-25, Deputy Section Officer (Legal Side), Class-3 Advt. No. 68/2024-25 Coming Soon Advt. No. 69/2024-25 Coming Soon Advt. No. 70/2024-25 Coming Soon Advt. No. 71/2024-25 Coming Soon Advt. No. 72/2024-25 Coming Soon Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 73/2024-25, Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-2, Road and Building Department Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 74/2024-25, Deputy Director, Class-1, Gujarat Statistical Service Advt. No. 75/2024-25 Coming Soon Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt. No. 76/2024-25, Principal, Government Ideal Residential Schools, (Directorate of Developing Castes Welfare), Class-2 Exam Syllabus (Prelim & Mains Examination) of Advt No. 77/2024-25, Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board Engineering Service (Civil)-Executive Engineer (Civil), Class-1 and Deputy Executive Engineer (Civil), Class-2 (GWSSB) Exam Syllabus (Prelim & Mains Examination) of Advt No. 78/2024-25, Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board Engineering Service (Mechanical)-Executive Engineer (Mechanical), Class-1 and Deputy Executive Engineer (Mechanical), Class-2 (GWSSB) Advt. No. 79/2024-25 Coming Soon Advt. No. 80/2024-25 Coming Soon Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 81/2024-25, Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-2, Narmada Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpsar Department Exam Syllabus of Advt No. 82/2024-25, Gujarat Medical Service, Class-2, Medical Officer Class-2, Insurance Medical Officer(Allopathy), Class-2 and Tutor of Various Subject, Class-2 Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 83/2024-25, General Surgeon(Specialist Service), Class-1, Gujarat Health and Medical Service, Health and Family Welfare Department Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 84/2024-25, Physician (Specialist Service), Class-1, Gujarat Health and Medical Service, Health and Family Welfare Deapartment Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 85/2024-25, Gynaecologist (Specialist Service), Class-1, Gujarat Health and Medical Service, Health and Family Welfare Departnement Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 86/2024-25, Orthopaedic Surgeon (Specialist Service), Class-1, Gujarat Health and Medical Service, Health and Family Welfare Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 87/2024-25, Dermatologist (Specialist Service), Class-1, Gujarat Health and Medical Service, Health and Family Welfare Department Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 88/2024-25, Radiologist (Specialist Service), Class 1, Gujarat Health and Medical Services, Health and Family Welfare Department Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 89/2024-25, Anesthetist (Specialist Service), Class-1, Gujarat Health and Medical Service, Health and Family Welfare Department Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 90/2024-25, Professor, Immuno Haematology and Blood Transfusion (I.H.B.T), General State Service, Class-1 Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 91/2024-25, Professor, Cardiology, General State Service, Class-1 Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 92/2024-25, Professor, Medical Gastroenterology, General State Service, Class-1 Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 93/2024-25, Professor, C. T. Surgery, General State Service, Class-1 Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 94/2024-25, Associate Professor, Cardiology, General State Service, Class-1 Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 95/2024-25, Associate Professor, Neuro Surgery, General State Service, Class-1 Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 96/2024-25, Associate Professor, Surgical Gastroenterology, General State Service, Class-1 Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 97/2024-25, Physician, Class-1, Employees State Insurance Scheme Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 98/2024-25, Gynaecologist, Class-1, Employees State Insurance Scheme Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 99/2024-25, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Class-1, Employees State Insurance Scheme Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 100/2024-25, Radiologist, Class-1, Employees State Insurance Scheme Exam Syllabus (Prelim) of Advt No. 101/2024-25, Principal, Gujarat Nursing Service, Class-1, Health & Family Welfare Department
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Ques. How to view Exam syllabus for GPSC Advt No. 40/2024-25 to Advt. No. 101/2024-25 posts?
Ans. Interested candidates can view exam syllabus online through the official website.